Symposium Organizer Invited

張貼日期:2016/4/20 上午 03:46:44

It is great pleasure to invite you to organize a Symposium on your research subject within ICETAT 2016.

If you agree, please send us the proposal ( or

The Title of the Symposium:

A short description of the symposium:

Your full affiliations:

The Symposium's Organizer should call for the papers of his/her symposium. The abstracts and papers of the symposium are still reviewed by the ICETAT2016. In the proceedings of ICETAT2016, he/she must send us:

(1) The source files of the abstracts.

(2) A preface for his/her symposium.

(3) A short Curriculum Vitae of the organizer.

The Session organizers will be granted free registration and part of the accommodation expenses covered for the ICETAT2016. (If in their Symposium there are at least 6 registrations (1 Session's Organizer), 12 registrations (for 2 Session's Organizers), etc.)